“The thoughtful and complex abstract paintings of Gina Dominique are up in a solo exhibition: "Skin Deep: On Abstract Painting & the Nature of Beauty" at Greenspring Art Gallery, Stevenson University... she invites you into a world where art and philosophy collide. Her work, deeply rooted in the philosophy of art, feminist aesthetics, and autotheory, provides a rich and challenging exploration of abstract and post-minimalist painting.” 
~Laurie Roark- Transart Institute

"'Self Portrait with Bird' is an acerbic colored Andy Warhol-inspired photo transfer lithograph by Gina Dominique. She has carried Warhol’s graphic mastery past his love of cool banality. Her work is much hotter and emotionally charged. There is a comforting touch of insanity here that makes her work far more human than her artistic predecessor."                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
~Wesley Pulkka- Albuquerque Journal

"Gina Dominique’s "Orange Plastic Room" at Site 21/21 - art you enter on foot - says what it says very clearly. It’s witty, unambiguous and quick to the point."   
~Jeffrey Lee- Alibi           

"Dominique, in her “Hurrah Hermaphrodites”, asks sexual questions while referencing universal ancient gender and alchemical symbolism. Regardless of whether her sources are clandestine or subconscious, she has managed to unveil the male and female archetypal conflict."                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
~Wesley Pulkka- Albuquerque Journal

"Gina Dominique explores spirituality and historical abstraction, including gestural and geometric methods in her work. Her paintings are informed by her decades-long yoga and meditation practices. The exhibition COLOR’s focal point is Dominique’s technicolor painting in her site-specific installation called “Pink Universe”, situated in the gallery’s rotunda..."                                                                                                                                                                                             
~Colleen Lutolf- Lehman Today

"Because her paint gestures are visible in the stenciled applications, one underlying theme of Gina Dominique’s drawings and paintings is root emotion. She uses the yantra, or a still visual focal point for inspiration… Dominique’s yantras invite the viewer into an abstracted visual meditation. "                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
~Mandy Parker- Bay City Times

"Gina Dominique was one of eight artists selected to work with Tamarind Institute printmakers... her art deals with feminine gender construction, meaning that she creates work based on ways that culture, society, the environment, and personal experiences have shaped her and her daughter. 
Gina's final prints are a portfolio of monoprints that make use of the diminutive female icon Barbie. To create them, she first 'flattened' Barbie images by laying various dolls onto the glass of a copy machine... she made and gave to the Tamarind printer the Barbie doll transfer prints, and the various Barbie coloring book photo copy images. He made the coloring book transfers into lithographic print overlays on top of Dominique's Barbie doll transfer prints. 
The results are startling. We're are left looking through a fine art printed cartoon at variations of the super-hyped cultural female archetype."
Bobbe Besold- Crosswinds