Apr 2022-6-Month Review

Supervision meeting - 08 Apr 2022
Project ChromaTheory: Color, Abstract Painting & Otherness
Researcher Gina Dominque Hersey
Academic year 2021 - 2022
Gina Dominque Hersey
Mark Roughley
Dr Robyn Ferrell
Borinquen Gallo
Discussion notes (researcher)
Friday 8 April & Wednesday 20 April 2022 LJMU Supervisory Meeting Notes
Attending on Friday 8 April: Lead Supervisor Mark Roughley, TT Supervisor Borinquen Gallo & LJMU PGR/TT practice-based PhD candidate Gina Dominique
Attending on Wednesday 20 April: TT Supervisor Robyn Ferrell and LJMU PGR/TT practice-based PhD candidate Gina Dominique
1. At the outset of the 08 April meeting, Mark noted that it would double as the month's supervisory meeting as well as my first progress review.
2. He also noted that my next milestone will be the first annual review, which will take place in September 2022.
3. We reviewed by first Progress Review and Research Project Training Record, which I submitted after our March meeting. All supervisors approved it, so it is now "complete". And in relationship to it, the following was discussed or noted...
4. Mark asked how I found both the LJMU trainings, and the monthly Transart Intensives.
And I stated:
a. The LJMU trainings are practically speaking helpful.
b. The Transart Intensives are aptly named, as they are intense...in every way...creatively, intellectually and emotionally.
aa. They are also intense to prepare for (the readings are demanding, and I/we each document thoughts, questions or discussion points in a required reading diary. Mine is posted on this website...ginadominique.com/page/4-Reading-Diary-…)
bb. They are demanding to attend, in that they are about 6 or so hours each during the last Saturday and Sunday of each month.
cc. They are typically content rich, so intense to "process" or "digest".
dd. All of this, of course, makes them valuable.
ee. I noted too that the TT facilitators are next-level smart, very well-prepared, and engaging.
5. Mark acknowledged the high number of LJMU trainings I have attended, as well as the number of TT Creative Research Journal entries I make. He said he appreciates how much effort I put into both attending, as well as documenting/writing notes on my:
a. Creative research/studio practice work
b. LJMU trainings, and the outside sessions I attend
c. TT Intensive summaries of sessions I have attended
d. LJMU/TT supervisory meeting notes I take and post. He finds them useful, in that they allow him to follow what I am doing.
6. He also expressed appreciation for my TT Reading Diary entries, which allow him to follow what I am reading and thinking re: the readings. (That leads us to brief but helpful discussions, which end up linking LJMU and TT aspects of the program.)
7. All supervisors expressed approval of my studio work, which I continue to be enthusiastic about and engaged in. Robyn in particular had insightful thoughts on a few philosopher-linguists and a psychodynamic writer I might read re: body parts, the mirror phase, and emotional life.
8. Re: my praxis and ChromaTheory thesis project, I stated that I viewed it like three strands or threads, which, for purposes of writing my thesis, I will braid together. The threads include:
a. Studio work...abstract painting project (i.e., "ChromaTheory" and possibly a "Color Coded" portfolio)
b. Art historical or literary review, in which I will situate or contextualize my own practice. (I.e., pre-feminist abstract painting...in the west beginning with Hilma af Klint, through contemporary "post-feminist" abstract painting/painters). Plus color theory, the history of color theory, and the de-colonization of it...i.e., color and intersectionality.
c. Data I glean from interviews I conduct of 3-7 of my contemporary female abstract painter peers.
9. I asked Mark if it might be possible during 2nd week of LJMU July residency(last week of the month) for me to work with an LJMU print technician to learn or produce some printed paintings (if there is a printer...digital or analog or hybrid) on canvas. For reference, I cited Laura Owens' "extruded" paint-like matter on her canvases.
10. Robyn and I discussed approaches I might take to writing my thesis/exegesis outline, and I reiterated to her that I imagine "braiding" together three separate concept strands or ropes. I see them now as:
a. The 100+ year old art historical aspects of abstract painting
b. The history of color theory and applications of it
c. The "otherness" aspects, i.e., socio-economic factors, gender/feminist perspectives, racial realities, and the linguistic contexts.
11. Robyn and I also talked about a timeline for writing next year:
a. During the summer 2022, I continue to expand my readings especially in relationship
b. During the fall 2022, I write my outline and each chapter abstract
c. During the winter & spring 2022, I write the initial rough draft
12. Between now and our next, June 15 meeting, Robyn and I agreed to email readings and comments back and forth.
My supervisors continue to be individually and collectively enthusiastic, supportive and very encouraging.
Supervisor discussion notes
Agreed action points (to be completed after the meeting)
Towards the aim of conducting 7.c., see above listed notes, "Peer research interviews", Mark again reviewed my next steps, including what to do to obtain ethical approval:
1. Review LJMU Ethics site
2. Complete and submit the “Ethics application form & template" at “minimal risk” level.
3. Construct a single set of 2-3 interview questions to ask all peer painter interviewees. Note: Borinquen suggested I base the questions on my stated research questions...or to simply use those exact questions.
4. Create a list of potential peer painter interviewees, which we started to do during the meeting. (I.e., Joan Snyder, Carrie Moyer, Laura Owens, Suzan Frecon, Tomashi Jackson, Becca Albee, David Batchelor, Stephen Bleicher, Anne Sophie L'Orange (TT cohort abstract post-feminist painter peer), and Borinquen stated that I also interview myself.)
5. Once I obtain ethical approval, and possibly beginning this July (I stated that I may make this the focus of my 2nd week LJMU personal residency), that is at that time, I conduct three-five peer interviews.
6. Mark recommended that construct an interview outline, then for each interview, follow it, using same set of methods:
a. Set of questions
b. Time keeping method and allot same amount of time to asking each question
c. Recording device
d. Method of transcription
e. Method of analysis
7. Mark said he will contact LJMU print studio and ask if a printer as I describe is on site. He said, if so, at least one technician is on site throughout the summer, and he'll connect us.
I followed up after the 20 April meeting between Robyn and myself by emailing her the two PhD thesis readings from the April TT intensive's assigned readings...I told her that I especially liked Allison Geremia's outline and structured-unstructured approach, as well as my most recent, expanded or updated working bibliography.
She will email me the names of writers she's recommending I read.
Gina Dominique

Gina Dominique is a New York based painter and installation artist.


Apr 2022- TT Session 15 Assign


Mar 2022-TT Session 15