Jul 2023-Supervisory Meetings

Meeting dates
17, 20 & 21 Jul 2023
Meeting time
Liverpool John Moores University's School of Art and Design
Meeting format
In person
Meeting notes and files
Discussion notes (researcher)
On the Monday after I arrived in Liverpool for the July residency, Mark informed me that for our Thursday meeting he had invited Dr. Juliet Carroll to meet with me to discuss my contribution to knowledge. So, on Thursday at 1 PM, Dr. Carroll and I met. Mark joined us later. I took notes on her feedback re: my Confirmation of Registration Reports.
Julie Carroll suggested that I:
~write a deep, meaningful exegesis, specifically a feminist (vs post-feminist) critique, narrowing my focus from my proposed seven short, diverse theoretical essays, to one 40,000-word written analysis that also employs otherness/auto-theory.
~zero in on my written thesis' contribution to knowledge, making very clear and obvious exactly what it is.
~do this before (...I do anything else?)
1. Italian American female experience (female abstract painters), from the viewpoint of being othered, specifically how that expresses itself through me, and in especially how my own art reflects this.
2. My position on the history of women within abstract painting. I.e., the re-gendering of abstraction via Hilma af Klint as the original abstract painter who established the genre of abstraction.
~be pragmatic in my approach to rewriting ABSOLUTELY OBVIOUS RESEARCH QUESTIONS, and in final viva, discuss each for 1 minute max.
~eliminate interviews I did of any male abstract painters, and of white women abstract painters, and instead, use only interviews of non-white and assimilated women abstract painters, (i.e., Xochi Solis, Alissa Siklianos, and my own olive skinned self) by weaving excerpts of the texts of each throughout the critique. (Note: I will use 2-3 of the 10 interviews I conducted. So, if I must analyze them manually vs using a QDA app, it will be manageable.)
~possibly in the format of an analog catalog, or as a separate from my own website digital catalog, include photos of my project work, and installation shots of my August 21-October 12 Stevenson University exhibition.
~Side note re: committee structure, Mark stated that he needs to reduce his work load this year, so he would like to have Julie Carroll assist him on my committee. I stated that because my load is also very heavy (I am both a full-time academic, and a full-time PhD student,) and because I must have 2 total supervisors, (1 lead LJMU supervisor, and 1 Transart supervisor,) that I prefer two instead of three. I just eliminated one Transart supervisor to reduce the number of supervisors and annual meetings that I have each year...I had 17 total during year 1, and 14 total during my 2nd year.) As we stated, he cannot take on this much of the will get back to me in August re: Dr. Carroll possibly taking over as my lead supervisor.
Supervisor discussion notes
During the Transart residency in Liverpool, the focus for our supervisory meeting was preparation for the upcoming annual review/transition to year 3/review of recent paintings and exhibition install.
MR invited fellow LJMU Transart Supervisor, Dr Julie Carroll, to the meeting to question Gina on their contribution to knowledge. This fruitful activity will further refine the research questions moving into year 3 with a focus on Gina's 'otherness' through the practice. JC and MR asked Gina to send them and RF one or two paragraphs that clearly outline the Contribution to Knowledge, and presented further refined research questions ahead of the annual review in September.
JC questioned Gina on the inclusion of the male artists in the interview pool and suggested to omit these from the analysis. MR supported this due to the refocusing of the research questions on feminist critique and Gina's autoethnography.
JC and MR suggested that the production of a more traditional thesis layout - one 40,000 word inquiry over the proposed 7 essays, will enable Gina to focus the written inquiry over the coming year towards the practice.
Gina showed the updated 6 panel Fitzpartick scale piece to MR and noted the scale's use with emojis! MR suggested to consider how this feels; question if Gina sees herself in this work and if not what does this mean in relation to the feelings of otherness, and JC suggested keeping a reflective day book to enable these reflections to be documented and used in the final thesis. MR also suggested a future work adapting this scale to be representative of Gina - similar to a self-portrait.
MR asked Gina to consider how the practice will be presented for examination outside of the exhibition e.g. online Portfolio or Exhibition Catalogue, and to bring ideas to the table for discussion during the annual review.
MR proposed the addition of JC as a co-supervisor to the team following BG removal from the supervisory team. MR to discuss with Gina and RF in September annual review.
Agreed action points (to be completed after the meeting)
~Gina to write and email to Mark, Julie and Robyn one paragraph about the original contribution to knowledge, and re-phrased research questions.
~Research Lauren Fournier and research Janet Sobel (an American Ukrainian abstract painter.)
~Consider how the Practice will be presented - thoroughly document the exhibition. Send MR and RF images of the install and also show them during annual review discussion.
~Keep a reflective journal during the exhibition install and use this 'data' for analysis in the coming year.
~Complete the annual review form in edoc prior to a September meeting. MR to email Gina and RF to arrange a date/time for the meeting prior to the deadline (dependent on timezones).
Gina Dominique

Gina Dominique is a New York based painter and installation artist.


Jul 2023-TT Session 28: Liverpool


Jul 2023-Studio Research