Jul 2024-Doctoral Academy

On July 11 at noon EST, I attended LJMU’s training, 'Writing about your Methodology and Methods' offered by Rhian. She lectured with slides- "Remember that each approach or methodology will have its own set of appropriate methods." 
• Philosophy/Research Paradigm (e.g. Positivistic or Interpretivist)
• Methodology (e.g. Qualitative, or a theory like feminism)
• Research Methods (e.g. case study, survey, interviews, archival work, installation)
• Research Design/tools and methods of data analysis (e.g. SPSS, thematic or content analysis, search terms used)
Planning Your Chapter Structure
Each stage Philosophy --> Methodology --> Research Methods --> Research Design/tools of data analysis gets narrower...from the overarching philosophy to methodology... down to the tools for data analysis used  so they are the most specific.
Each stage helps you to explain the next.
Writing Each Section: Methodology
• Which methodology have you chosen?
• Why is this methodology most appropriate for your project?
• What possible limitations could there be to your methodology?
• Why have you not chosen another methodology?
Gina Dominique

Gina Dominique is a New York based painter and installation artist.


Jul 2024-Danses Vulnerables


Jun 2024-TT Session