Dec 2023-‘Judy Chicago’

On December 20, 2023, my bff and I saw 'Judy Chicago: Herstory' at the New Museum. Since my BFA days at the Corcoran, and seeing her "Dinner Party" in DC, then my MFA printmaking days in New Mexico, I have followed Chicago's work pretty closely. 
Because the Dinner Party was not exhibited in this museum wide retrospective, that was disappointing. On the other hand, most impressive to me was the breadth of her work, from the gorgeous photographs of her smoke and fireworks series; the scale and impecable craftsmanship of her paintings; and the consistency of her vision.
Gina Dominique

Gina Dominique is a New York based painter and installation artist.

Jan 2024-LEH Writing Retreat


Dec 2023-Supervision Meeting