Jun 2024-Supervisory Meeting

Meeting Participants
Gina Dominque and Robyn Ferrell attended a  Supervisory meeting on Thursday, 20 June 2024, from 6:00 -7:30 PM EST, via zoom, we met discussed the following:
Discussion notes (researcher)
Robyn and I met via zoom, and discussed the following:

~Robyn suggested I move Baird's interview of me from Appendix A, and weave much of this material into my dissertation…various segments into various chapters and sections. 

~And, in keeping with the Greek chorus approach, leave the other 5 interviews in Appendix B, and by making good use of at least one coded segment, the most relevant one from each, and weave those into apt chapters/sections.

~It may be useful as a corroborating material for…

~~Compare and contrast contemporary abstract painters with historical 20th Century abstract painters… 

~~Discussion of how all, historical and contemporaries interviewed, construct abstract painting via personal story…not as narrative, but as ...

~~Distilling the comparisons and/or differences in the service of my own writing.

~~Discussing the relevance of identity issues today…provides me access to the auto-theoretical milieu as a legitimate context to create art within. 

~~And, ultimately to link back to my research question re: the sudden inclusivity within the art historical cannon (more empirical v advocacy).

She also suggested that I:
~Write everything, then edit to 40K…take as many words as I need to finish the Discussion & Analysis

~Complete Ch. 4 ‘Discussion & Analysis’ text next… this is my #1 task, and is important to the integrity of the thesis. It is the heart of the thesis.

~Make decisions about what else to edit and/or to add 

~Use Ch. 3 Results studio praxis images/paintings as pointers to Ch. 4, Discussion & Analysis. 

Finally, I asked her to weigh in on what I might show in the upcoming, July group show at LJMU’s ERL. 
~She recommends I ship and show related by color palette and gestural brush work paintings…hang many salon style on the allotted wall.

Agreed action points (to be completed after the meeting)
We will, via email, schedule our next Supervisory meeting (for early August...)
In the meantime, I  will:
1. Select, pack and ship to Colin F. the more gestural paintings, and once there hang them salon style on the ERL allotted wall for the July 7 or 8 person exhibition.
2. Move Baird's interview of me from Appendix A, and weave much of this material into my dissertation…various segments into various chapters and sections. 
3. Leave the other 5 interviews in Appendix B, and by making good use of at least one coded segment, citing the most relevant one from each, and weave those into apt chapters/sections to:
~~Compare and contrast contemporary abstract painters with historical 20th Century abstract painters… 
~~Discuss of how all, historical and contemporaries interviewed, construct abstract painting via personal story…not as narrative, but as...
~~Distill the comparisons and/or differences in the service of my own writing.
~~Discuss the relevance of identity issues today…provides me access to the auto-theoretical milieu as a legitimate context to create art within. 
~~And, ultimately link back to my research question re: the sudden inclusivity within the art historical cannon (more empirical v advocacy).
4. Complete Ch. 4 ‘Discussion & Analysis’ text next… this is my #1 task, and is important to the integrity of the thesis. It is the heart of the thesis. Write it fully and completely, take as many words as I need to finish this.
5. Use Ch. 3 Results studio praxis images/paintings as pointers to Ch. 4, Discussion & Analysis. 
6. Write the Lit Review.
7. Write Conclusions.
8. After this, make decisions about what to edit and/or to add.
Gina Dominique

Gina Dominique is a New York based painter and installation artist.


Jun 2024-TT Session


Jun 2024-LEH Writing Retreat