Jan 2025-Supervisory Meeting

Meeting Participants
Gina Dominque Hersey
Dr Robyn Ferrell
Date, time, location & Format
21 Jan 2025 @ 6PM EST, Online via Zoom

Discussion notes (researcher)
Robyn and I had a productive meeting re: my thesis Chapter 4 recent updates. During it I took the following notes on the feedback she gave me specific to the pairs of juxtaposed paintings:

~ In general the generalities don’t work, but the details and the specifics do work. They give the text life.

~ One that is not working is my Reading and Picasso's Woman Reading ... the contrasts do not work... stay clear of discussing his misogyny. (It's a chapter if not an entire thesis topic...lol.) Make this much better or delete it.

~ My response to and comparison with Newman’s Vir Heroicus analysis is resolved. It is good because it uses a diagram, and the art historical details (or references) work.

~ My Rabbit Hole and Dali's Alice in Wonderland image is successful because it’s one of the most resolved in regards to the comparison btw the two. It is because the details work, and I make it relevant to 21st C abstraction, or how I understand 21st century abstract painting compared to 20th C painting.

~ My double portrait and the Arshile Gorky painting juxtaposition is strong… again, the details work, and the comparison 20th C. To 21st C. difference and Theories- Leave this one as is...

~ My Angel with Green Helmet & deKooning's Angels work because of the small details of (like the green helmet...), and beacause the two work together in the conclusion.

~ My Fishbone Tool and Guston's Raoul's Tool is Robyn's favorite because of the fishbone tool analysis diagram. Due to the thoroughness and detailed analysis, she thinks is works the best of all. She says it is the most successful due to how I have made use of the method, and because at the end of the discussion, the 2 works come together… must do this with each one.
(I will add sentence or two about Guston’s 'Fat Pink' and my relating to it due to baby doll plastic flesh.)

~ My Channeled Soul w/ Rothenberg’s Untitled- the comparison is successful (add about the feeling of being undressed)… elaborate in other paintings about the painting trance…

Agreed action points (to be completed after the meeting)
Robyn will email me her notes.

I will continue to revise and finish the remaining incomplete painting analyses.

Once this is done, I will add the page numbers to the contents page and Image List, I will submit my 1st draft to eDoc "Submission Planning".

I hope to do this by the end of January.

Robyn and I will meet again after she reads my submission, perhaps at the end of February.
Gina Dominique

Gina Dominique is a New York based painter and installation artist.


Jan 2025-Thesis Writing